Anglesey has a number of priority habitats including Lowland and Coastal Heath, Reedbeds, Fens, Broadleaved Woodlands, Ancient and Species Rich Hedgerows, Ponds and Flower-rich Road Verges; there are some of the most extensive sand dunes in Wales.
We are a stronghold for some rare species, including Great Crested Newt, Red Squirrel, Otter, Water Vole and Chough, for which there are all action plans.
The partnership includes Isle of Anglesey County Council, NRW, North Wales Wildlife Trust, NRW, Menter Mon, RSPB, Marine Awareness North Wales, North Wales Police, National Assembly of Wales Agriculture Dept, North West Wales Amphibian and Reptile Group and others; to date, the Forum meets yearly.
Some projects helping to fulfil the Local Biodiversity Action Plan to date
East Anglesey Hedgerow Survey, Species-rich road-verge cuttings removal and NOF funding for helping safeguard and ancient woodland on LNR site and pond restoration and creation for Crested Newts.
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Regulation and Economic Development
Council Offices
LL77 7TW
Tel: 07816 365090
website: click here