Wales Nature Week 5 - 13 July 2025

Wales Nature Week is a celebration of our magical nature from common everyday species like dandelions and buff tailed bumblebees, to fascinating fungi, soaring red kites and acrobatic red squirrels. It celebrates the gardens, fields and meadows, woods and Celtic rainforest, water and reens, seashore and dune, and all the magical places nature finds a home.

And importantly, it celebrates the people, nature organisations, communities, schools and faith groups who carry out incredible work for nature in their area.

What to look out for in Spring


Spring focus- listen out for the song of the Chiffchaff and the return of sand martens from their wintering grounds in Africa. If you’re by the coast, look out for Wheatear who spend a few days in grassy areas by the coast before moving inland to breed.

Spring focus- welcome queen bumblebees to your garden by providing nesting spots. Find out more about bumblebee nests here!. A number of solitary bees species are active in spring. Look out for the distinctive Ashy mining bee, particularly in open, sunny sites with sandy soil, and frequently found in gardens, parks, and the wider countryside.

Butterflies on the wing
Spring focus - look out for Brimstone, often seen flying along roadside verges and hedgerows and Orange tip in damp meadows and along road verges and ditches where Cuckooflower and Garlic Mustard are present.

Moths Matter
There are more than 2,500 species of moth in the UK and they occur in most habitats. Learn more about these amazing creatures of the night (and day!) with these fantastic moth resources from Butterfly Conservation.
Spring focus- look out for these spring flying moths

Reptiles and amphibians
Ponds are a hive of activity this time of year. Look out for frogs and toads. In the evening, you may be able to spot newts. Look out for basking common lizards at the edge of woodland and hedges. You may be lucky enough to spot an adder- be careful not to disturb them as they are sensitive creatures.

Fox and cubs
On warm sunny days in March and April you may be lucky enough to see fox cubs venturing out and frolicking around the den entrance with the vixen keeping a close eye on things. Later in the spring, sitting quiet and keeping a good distance from the sett, you may encounter Badger cubs emerging and playing around the sett entrance.

What's in bloom?
These flower spotter sheets from Plantlife are an excellent guide to what's flowering in spring
Spring focus- look out for Cuckoo flower also known as Lady's smock. Cuckooflower is the county flower of Brecknockshire.

Broad bodied chaser - Alun Williams

Talgarth Mill Coop Wildlife Garden - Tom-Marshall

Birds foot Trefoil

What to expect at events

There will be something for everyone – events for individuals, families and those who are new to nature, to the more seasoned nature lover.

You don’t need to attend an event to celebrate Wales Nature Week. Simply get out and appreciate nature on your doorstep in Wales Nature Week. It could be the start of a lifetime’s connection!

Be part of the story! Share your nature stories and experiences using #WalesNatureWeek and highlight your passion for nature!

Nature is for everyone- no previous experience needed!

Species in Wales

Amphibians & Reptiles



Terrestrial Mammals



Helping Wildlife

Wildlife Gardening