What we do

The work of WBP is directed by the Nature Recovery Plan Implementation Group and the associated task and finish groups in addition to other working groups. This is a recent development and builds on previous WBP projects and working groups, a selection of which are listed below.

The Wales Biodiversity Partnership contributes to the delivery of Global, European and national targets for biodiversity and ecosystems. The role of the Wales Biodiversity Partnership focuses on:

  1. Prioritising and promoting activity to ensure biodiversity conservation (protection, enhancement and restoration) and associated benefits for ecosystem structure and function are planned and delivered at the appropriate scale.
  2. Developing and communicating the understanding of the dynamic relationship within species, between species and their abiotic environment in order to conserve ecosystem structure and function.
  3. Providing expertise on the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
  4. Working with local and regional partners to ensure management of the environment, and of human activity which impacts on the environment, at the appropriate level incorporating local knowledge, innovations and practices.
  5. Identify evidence requirements and build consensus on priorities to inform the development and delivery of biodiversity conservation and the Ecosystem Approach

Protecting 30% of Wales’ Land, Freshwater and Seas by 2030

The Welsh Government has committed to an ambitious goal: protecting 30% of our land, freshwater, and seas by 2030. This target is part of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and represents a crucial step towards addressing urgent environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss and climate change.

By safeguarding and restoring natural habitats, we aim to create a resilient and thriving ecosystem in Wales that benefits both nature and people. By fostering collaboration among local communities, conservation organisations, and policymakers, we aim to ensure that our rich biodiversity is protected and enhanced for the well-being of current and future generations.

The action-focused Biodiversity Deep Dive examined Wales’s implementation of the 30 by 30 target. A set of collective actions was developed to support nature’s recovery in Wales.

In July 2024 the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs published a Written Statement outlining progress on the Biodiversity Deep Dive actions.

Read more here

River Wye - S McHugh

River Wye


River Wye Builth Wells - S McHugh

Newborough - NRW

Wales Nature Week

WBP coordinates an annual week of events held in June/July each year celebrating the variety and diversity of our wildlife and habitats.

Events are free and are held all over Wales, enthusing, educating and enabling members of the public to become wildlife guardians on their patch.

  1. Wales Nature Week

Road verge Builth Wells - S McHugh

Craig y Cilau NNR - S McHugh

Craig y Cilau NNR - S McHugh

Species in Wales

Amphibians & Reptiles



Terrestrial Mammals



Helping Wildlife

Wildlife Gardening