Bee Friendly - Champions are volunteers drawn from a variety of nature, conservation and environmental groups around Wales all brought together to help communities and organisations get active around protecting bees and other pollinators in Wales via the Bee Friendly scheme.
They have different backgrounds and different specialities and are all passionate about nature.
Bee Friendly Champions can help you get started on the road to becoming an official Bee Friendly place. They are there to give you advice, help guide you along the journey and help you network with other Bee Friendly schemes in your area.
Each champion covers a different geographical area and all work together to help make the Bee Friendly scheme a success thereby helping protect pollinators in Wales.
So if you would like to make your community, town, school, college, business, organisation, sports ground, place worship or another communal space a Bee Friendly one, contact your local Bee Champion and they’ll be more than happy to help.